HSPP is a protection program that provides homeowners outside of our ecosystem to keep a roof over you and your family during times of turmoil and economic downturn. We understand hard times exist and have developed a product to ensure your quality of life is protected, this is a buy-out financing program we offer to everyone. This product allows distressed assets to be acquired by our ecosystem which enables existing homeowners the opportunity to retain their asset (transfer to our HOMEFI solution), which in the traditional financial ecosystem would be returned or taken by the financial institution.
If you are an existing customer in our ecosystem under the HOMEFI product, your property can be transferred back to TRL and the amount paid to date will be utilised as the future monthly repayments to ease immediate cash flow. This program can be executed at any time, and if the existing customer would like to restart their HOMEFI’s after stabilisation, they are free to do so under a new, and guaranteed application.
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