The Solution

In addressing the pressing issue of unaffordable and inaccessible homeownership, it is crucial to explore innovative solutions that can empower both investors and potential homeowners. Our vision revolves around creating an ecosystem that not only reduces the financial and geographical barriers to real estate investments but also accelerates the journey from being a renter to becoming a homeowner in a seamless and hassle free manner. We aim to achieve this through a range of groundbreaking products and services that offer borderless access, seamless experiences, and financial flexibility, with the use of blockchain technology all while providing additional value through a token utility platform.

We offer two distinct products tailored to different audiences both within the traditional and decentralised digital environments, each serving various use cases and different offerings.

1. A TRL Home Subscription Application (with additional home ownership functionalities)

2. A DeFi Application

Rent via Subscription

At the core of our solution is the Home Subscription (TRL HomeSub), a pioneering concept that enables our customers to live anywhere in the world, whenever they desire. This rental subscription model grants individuals unprecedented mobility and flexibility, breaking down the traditional constraints of renting and thus owning properties. Through TRL HomeSub, individuals can break free of any single location and access a curated selection of properties across the globe, allowing them to experience different cultures, lifestyles, and communities without the burden of a single, fixed-location & long tenured rent.

Powered by fractionalized real estate investments

Furthermore, we are capturing the value within our selection of properties inside a fractionalized and managed property fund, designed to generate both token-based value appreciation and consistent income for its holders. This innovative investment vehicle democratizes real estate ownership by allowing individuals to invest in a diversified portfolio of properties, no matter their budget. Through fractional ownership, even those with limited financial resources can participate in the real estate market. Our professionally managed property fund not only offers a steady income stream but also the potential for capital appreciation, making it an attractive proposition for both novice and experienced investors.

Bridging the gap

When people decide to settle down for the long term, we aim to tackle the issue of inaccessible homeownership via the Rent-to-Own Lifestyle Solution (TRL Homefi), whereby TRL HomeSub subscribers will be able to build up a history within the ecosystem, which can be leveraged at a later date to reduce the barrier to entry for a mortgage and therefore, homeownership. In a nutshell, this product will allow subscribers to utilise a percentage of the rental subscriptions they have been paid towards the down-payment. This innovative solution allows for a novel solution to handling risk mitigation for us, as the lender. Additionally, our ecosystem places significant emphasis on the utility of tokens. We envision a value-added token utility platform that not only provides benefits to token holders but also fosters a sense of community and engagement. These tokens could be used for a variety of purposes within our ecosystem, such as accessing premium properties, earning rewards, boosting rental yields or participating in governance decisions. This platform incentivises participation and loyalty among our customers and investors, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

In conclusion, our holistic approach to solving the challenges of unaffordable and inaccessible homeownership involves reshaping the real estate landscape through innovative products and services. By breaking down financial barriers, offering unprecedented flexibility, and harnessing the potential of blockchain technology through utility tokens, we believe we can pave the way for a more inclusive and accessible global housing market. Our vision is not only to empower individuals to achieve their homeownership dreams but also to foster a sense of belonging and opportunity in the world.

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